🍭 NFT Artist / Collector / Advisor / Comedian
📷 Photographer / Designer 19+ Years
⚡️ Founder NFT est. 2003
🖤 Co-Founder RESILI.ART starving artist fund
🚀 Blockchain Enthusiast since 2017
foundation.app/avxd (still ZERO FND support)
RESILIART is a decentralized fund for starving artists worldwide. our mission is to advance the accessibility of the less fortunate into & beyond the NFT universe
resili.art — follow @resiliart on twitter
our first artist collab to fund the gas fees of those that have double minted on foundation due to their confusing UI/UX — while foundation doesn’t support reimbursing their users — we will. and it’s only just the beginning 😘
google “opensea avxd” first link 😀
(still minting this takes forever manually, and there’s one or two dupes because i’m a bit dyslexic it seems, they will be burned 🔥)
love is the answer and the question
🗽 NY ✖️ / 🌴 MIA
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