5.7 K

Vlad Kreinin


Head of Marketing & Communications, Sber
Leading Russian Bank & Lifestyle Ecosystem

#1 ranked Chief Business Developmet Officer, КоммерсантЪ rating

Leaders of Russia 2020, Winner

London Business School Alumni, Stanford Business School Student

Co-Founder, Mel.fm — #1 media about education

Co-Founder, IQ Sleep — building the #1 sleep company in the world

Board Member in Rambler Media, SberSpasibo, SberMarketing, Segmento, SberMobile, UMoney, SberFood, SberEducation.

«Круги Влада»
Шоу про людей, формирующих смыслы нового времени и будущее. Следите за анонсами.

Moscow, Russia
