From head of PR at a $250M VC to filmmaker and Tech PR business owner. Now with a big tech co responsible for Global PR.
Named «One of 100 influential women in Tech on Twitter» by Business Insider.
YouTuber. She/her
✳️ HYPE NEWS CH каждый понедельник говорим о горячих новостях стартап-индустрии, 21:00МСК. Tune in!
✳️ Клуб Барон Клабхаузен – каждый четверг в 23:00 по МСК посиделки обо всем.
✴️ Ссылки и полезная информация из Клуба в Телеграм: @baronclubhousen
In 2017 I went full-on creative – started to film Crypto Rush documentary. The movie tells my own story of accidental crypto investment and how it led to discovering the Bitcoin hype’s people. In 2020 Crypto Rush made it to 4 international movie festivals covered in Fortune magazine and in TechCrunch. I directed, produced, filmed in the USA, China, South Korea, Singapore, Switzerland and Russia. It was my first ever experience with film, I’m a first-time filmmaker.
Crypto Rush website:
I also started a YouTube channel “Liliana Pertenava on Tech”, to educate and inspire people to join the tech space.
To use my skills and network to help YOU stand out and succeed. Discuss tech, culture, media & PR. Meet fellow entrepreneurs & YouTubers
💍 happily married and live in London
🎥 Creator, Crypto Rush documentary
🌎 born in Russia, Saint-Petersburg, lived in Moscow, and Seattle, USA
💫 TV and radio host in the early days with daily audiences of millions of people
🛠 working on my YouTube show right now
📍London, UK
🔹 Facebook
🇬🇧 If you’d like too see how quarantine rolls in London, follow me on Instagram 👀
📱I tweet a lot, make sure to follow me on Twitter ⤵️
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