✳️ ТОП-модератор clubhouse.
🔥 Бизнес-хирург 🚀: MBA 👨🏻🎓 🦸🏻 Серийный предприниматель 👔 Автор ✍🏻 6 книг 📚 💶Crypto энтузиаст. 🏆предприниматель года EY
✍🏼 Автор самой популярной в России книги 📕 о личном бренде « 1️⃣0️⃣1️⃣ способ раскрутки личного бренда»
My telegram✈️: @semenchuk
My email 📩:
Website 👨🏻💻:
Instagram: @semenchuk_com
Link to my personal telegram channel:
Professional Experience 👔
♟MBA of the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo🇷🇺, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology — HKUST 🇭🇰, Innovation immersion at the Haas School of Business — UC Berkeley 🇺🇸
👨🏻🏫 Graduated from MGUPS (Jurisprudence), Moscow Institute of Technology (management), Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics (strategic management).
👨🏻🎨Creator of over 30 successful businesses.🎰
Also for the last 9️⃣ years I have been engaged in fintech projects and blockchain projects. 🥷🏼
In 2012 founded the service — the leader of the Russian market mPOS. 💰
23,500 client companies in 3 years (2.5 billion turnover in 2015). 💶💶💶
In 2016, with partners, we implemented the project, which attracted more than 300,000,000 rubles.💷💷💷
Investor in project 🧨
Personal Information
Author of 6 books: 📙📔📒📕📗📘
«Business author» ( (bestseller «Ozon», Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2014)
«101 ways to promote your personal brand» (2015, Alpina) (
«Mobile application as a business tool» (2017, Alpina),
«Business Hacking» (Eksmo, 2019) (
«101 Answers to Questions about Cryptocurrencies» (Ridero, 2019) (
«101 ways to create new sources of income» (2020, Alpina) ( catalog / book-656087/).
🏆Winner of the EY Entrepreneur of the Year competition (in the category Best Young Entrepreneur).
🏆Finalist and Winner of GSEA 2013, Runet Award 2013, 🏆Best Telecom Idea MTS (2012), 🏆RBC 2019 Award nominee.
😎Mentor over 50 projects.
Provide consultations and consulting on the creation, development and improvement of the Business.
✍🏼The author of my own methodology “Project Validation” — helping to very quickly validate your business ideas.
Helped assemble teams for such companies as Philip Morris, QIWI, Yandex, , riot games, workle
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